I'm grateful for the testimonies in Scripture which reflect what I am feeling now.
I relate to Martha in John 11, in which JESUS had waited to come to Bethany until after Lazarus had died & asked, "WHERE WERE YOU, LORD! IF YOU HAD BEEN HERE, THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. BUT YET EVEN NOW I BELIEVE THAT GOD WILL DO WHATEVER YOU ASK." God had a better plan to raise Lazarus--a plan that she could not understand.
Once again I relate to the apostles who left Calvary on Good Friday & to the disciples on the road to Emmaus who were disheartened & crushed that the unthinkable evil--the cruel murder of the Messiah upon Whom they had placed such hope--had happened. But God had a better plan--a spiritual rather than a political redemption, the suffering of the Innocent One to atone for the sins of the guilty, and the joy of Resurrection.
I'm sure that it was hard for the early Christians to have assurance that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church as they were being thrown to the lions in Rome.
Soon we will begin another Liturgical Year & another Advent & recall & spiritually relive the many centuries in which those faithful to God waited with eager longing for the time when Messiah would come & set His people free.
Thank the LORD last night we had our choir practice for LESSONS & CAROLS & practiced songs with strains in a minor key that reflect our longing for God to come & make things right, along with strains in a major key that reflect the hope that, in His timing, He will.
It feels as if in this 2012 Presidential election in America God abandoned His people who struggled so hard to promote His righteousness and His glory, to protect the lives of those most vulnerable from being slaughtered because of "inconvenience", to protect the right of people not to "enable" all forms of sexual immorality and to restore the Judaeo-Christian principles of God-given inalienable rights upon which our nation was founded with His providential blessing. The false messiah who endorses & enables all sorts of evil has won the election (for those who share my convictions, contrary to the false propaganda, this has nothing to do with the color of his skin or "bigotry", but it is about the content of his character and the sin he endorses) & God once again allowed this to happen.
It is only the testimony of Scripture that gives me a glimmer of hope to continue to believe in "the substance of things hoped for--the evidence of things unseen"--that somehow even this tragic mistake of the American electorate can be a piece of the puzzle of God's plan as we wait in joyful hope for the time when the LORD & His righteousness & peace will prevail upon the earth & when the kingdom of this world will finally become the kingdom of Our LORD and of His Christ & He shall reign forever & every knee, even that of Barack Obama and his allies, must bow & every tongue proclaim the JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, to the glory of God the Father.