Pro-Life Meditations on the Joyful Mysteries
(Arlene B. Muller)
Mary, you said “yes” to becoming the Mother of
JESUS. Though you had the great
privilege of being mother of our LORD, Savior and Messiah, your “yes” was given
in light of great risk to your reputation, your future, your relationships, and
even your life! You were subject to
false accusation, and if not for God’s protection and the love and openness of
Joseph, you could have been stoned to death!
Thank you for your courageous “yes’ to life
and to God’s will in your life. Inspire,
be present with, encourage and intercede for the many women in crisis
pregnancies. They also face great risks
and challenges and need courage to say “yes” to life in a society that
pressures them to seek abortion as a false solution in their desperation. Be with them at every moment to help them
choose life and be their comfort, model and guide throughout their pregnancies,
at every moment.
Mary, when you heard the news of your cousin
Elizabeth’s pregnancy you went in haste to be with her, to bring her and her
unborn baby the joy of the Holy Spirit by bringing JESUS, alive in your womb,
to her. It is so easy for us to tell
women not to have abortions. We are
called not only to speak out for life but also to put our respect for life into
loving service. Help us to show women in
crisis pregnancies compassion, understanding, and spiritual, psychological,
physical, and material support. LORD,
bless the work of crisis pregnancy centers, of Birthright, Bridge to Life, Good
Counsel Homes, and all pro-life organizations who provide help to women in
crisis pregnancies and all the people who work in them. Help all of us to do our part in supporting
their work. Consecrate their work and
bless all the women, the babies, and families to whom they minister.
The Birth
LORD, the night on which you were born was a
great occasion of joy for the entire world and the night of the birth of Great
Love. We often forget that this birth
took place under less than ideal circumstances.
Your mother had to give birth to You in a stable or cave and place you
in a manger used for feeding messy animals!
Joseph, your loving and chaste spouse, was with you, but you did not
have the benefit of sanitary medical facilities. Many women are giving birth in less than
ideal circumstances. Some are giving
birth in poverty. Others are in the best
medical facilities, but have no husband or parent or other loving person to
give them comfort, love and support. Mary,
be their loving mother and intercessor.
LORD, as the angels came to surround You and announce the glorious news
of Your birth, send Your holy angels to surround the new mothers and their
babies so that in spite of their difficult circumstances, the new lives may be
welcomed with joy.
of JESUS in the Temple
LORD, it is Your will that every child born be
dedicated to You. Thank You for the gift
of faith and the gift of baptism that makes every person baptized Your child
and a member of Your family. Many
parents do not share our faith and do not have the joy of having their children
baptized and do not know how to raise them to love and obey You. Show Yourself present to all parents and
children and help them to come to know and love You.
Mary, at a time of joy in presenting your Son
and hearing the witness of those who recognized and accepted Him as the
Messiah, you were warned that you would experience great sorrow, so you
understand the sorrows and joys of child raising and you still have a tender
mother’s heart. LORD, may
parents—especially mothers—feel Your Presence and the presence of Mary with
them and give them the love and wisdom they need throughout the j0ys, sorrows
and challenges of parenting.
the Child JESUS in the Temple
LORD JESUS, when You were missing for 3 days
YOU knew You were in the right place and so did Your Father in heaven, but to
the anxious minds of Mary and Joseph, You were lost!
There are many children, teens and young
adults who are lost, whether physically, psychologically, or spiritually. Some have no one concerned about them. Many have anxious parents, guardians and
relatives praying for them with great sorrow and desperation. Help those who are lost in any way and those
who are seeking them in sorrow find You.
Bring those who are lost safely home to loving families and back home
into relationship with You. May women in
crisis pregnancies who have been estranged from their families find a safe,
secure, loving and welcoming home for themselves and their children.
© Copyright 2012 by Arlene B. Muller (Arlene Clare Muller, SFO)
These were written after I prayed the rosary at 7AM on the day of the MARCH FOR LIFE. I felt inspired to write these as I realized how deep a connection is between the Joyful Mysteries and the pro-life cause.
Very beautiful meditations, Arlene. With your permission, I would like to share them.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tom. I'm glad that others will be using them. I had e-mailed them to Father Frank Pavone/Priests for Life and got a favorable reply, but they already publish pro-life mysteries of the rosary. It would be great if my meditations could be published. In the meantime I'll be glad if others will be blessed by them and if they also help the pro-life cause. For me the pro-life cause is not only working toward ending abortion but also providing compassionate understanding and concrete spiritual, psychological, physical and material help to women in crisis pregnancies in the process of choosing life, both during pregnancy and delivery and after the child has been born. That is why I'm glad for organizations/agencies like GOOD COUNSEL HOMES, BIRTHRIGHT, and BRIDGE FOR LIFE.
ReplyDeleteArlene, we do a pilgrimage of masses to pray that a pro-life centre will be opened in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The masses are on the last or second last Saturday of each month. We always say the rosary before. I will endeavour to use your meditations when we recite the rosary before these masses. I am also planning an evening of prayer for life at my parish and will use your meditations for this purpose as well. Thanks so much. God bless you.
ReplyDeletePRAISE GOD!!! I will be thrilled to have these meditations put to good use for prayer & for the Cause of Life.