Thursday, January 26, 2012

Starting At the Very Beginning

Hi!  Some of you who are reading this are family members, some are personal friends, & some are people I have met through FACEBOOK.  In figuring out how to write a blog--something that is totally new to me-- I'm not quite sure how to begin, but I'm reminded of Julie Andrews as Maria von Trapp singing, "Let's start at the very beginning--a very good place to start..." I am a happily celibate single Catholic Christian middle aged woman who is active in the Catholic Church as a lector, a Eucharistic minister, a choir member, & a professed member of the Secular Franciscan order.  I've also been part of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. I've sung in different music ministries. At the moment I'm unemployed, but I am a part-time teacher of preschool children with special needs & I've also begun to do some free lance writing.  If any of you have read any of my e-mails & FACEBOOK posts & comments you will know that I like to write--A LOT--& I have deeply held convictions regarding faith & Church & I'm strongly pro-life.  I love to sing & I have written some children's songs & some Christian songs.  I have ideas for two children's books. I would like to use this blog to share some of my writing (some of which some of you might have already seen).  My goal is to be able to combine part-time teaching, writing, & music & to do what I can to make a positive impact on the lives of others & help build the Kingdom of God.  I'm calling this blog "Joysong's Journey" because I am generally a joyful person & I take the name partially from Psalm 100:2 that I hope describes my life, "Serve the LORD with gladness.  Come into His Presence singing for joy", and because we are all on the journey of life with its ups and downs and mysteries and puzzles that hopefully will lead us to our ultimate home in heaven.  So, welcome to Joysong's Journey.  I hope that we can help each other to become all that God has created us to be.  Several years ago when I was working toward ensuring my certification as a Teacher of the Speech and Hearing Handicapped and wanted to make sure I was doing all I was supposed to do, I made up this little prayer inspired by the last words of St. Francis of Assisi and by the Serenity Prayer, "LORD, help me to do what is mine to do, to trust You to do what is Yours, and to enjoy the ride.


  1. Arlene, I am proud to know you. I share all your views you so perfectly stated. I have been a Catholic all my 72 years of life. I have seen much of life and feel badly about today's events of such a sinful attitude with people. We must stand together and spread the horror of Abortion's murder. We cannot ignore the issues facing our Country thinking the problems will go away by themselves or not spreading the truth. To spread you must first be heard. A very good start, rather perfect.
